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Proexport's general assembly debates the need to maintain the conditions of the Tajo-Segura transfer

"They want to force us to stop using fresh water at 11 cents/m³ and start using desalinated water at 60 cents/m³"

On Friday, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando Lopez Miras, closed the general assembly of the Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables of the Region of Murcia (Proexport). The assembly analyzed the main issues affecting the region's fruit and vegetable sector, including the lack of water and the need to maintain the conditions of the Tajo-Segura transfer.

The assembly showed its absolute support for the Tajo-Segura transfer and endorsed the support of all its associates for the Circle of Water mobilizations. According to the president of Proexport, Juan Marin, there is enough water for the Southeast, in the Tajo and in Spain, but there is no political will for us to reach our potential as a food factory in Europe. “Today, Spain has 34,000 hm³ of water in its reservoirs. However, they want us to produce everything with the 200 hm³ that the region between Tajo and the Southeast receives in a good year for irrigation."

“Minister Ribera offends all the irrigators of Almeria, Murcia, and Alicante when she tries to change the exploitation rules in the middle of a hydrological planning process, when she tries to impose much higher ecological flows in the Tajo Alto to the current ones, without undertaking the much-needed treatment, and when we are forced to change fresh water at 11 cents/m³ for desalinated water at 60 cents/m³.”

It should be noted that Murcia is one of the main fruit and vegetable exporting autonomous communities and that its main destination is the community market. Germany accounted for 27% of Murcia's fruit and vegetable exports in 2020, with 707,921 tons worth 675 million euro. It was followed by the United Kingdom, with 471,672 tons worth 571 million euros and an 18% share. France accounted for 16% of the region's exports with 409,446 tons worth 451 million euro.

Proexport, which is integrated into Fepex, is made up of more than 50 groups of agricultural companies, cooperatives, and markets dedicated to the production and commercialization of conventional and ecological fruits and vegetables. Together, they produce over a million tons of fruits and vegetables that are marketed in more than 60 countries creating more than 28,000 direct jobs.



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