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Drenthe Growers works towards construction of new greenhouse

In February, a 3.5 hectares of greenhouse of the Dutch company Drenthe Growers collapsed as a result of heavy snowfall. They are currently working hard to dismantle that greenhouse so that a new greenhouse can be built. Growers Koos and Inge de Vries expect to be able to grow again in this greenhouse in January 2022.

It means that the Drenthe growers will have to make do with a lot less acreage this year. Nevertheless, they remain resilient, as evidenced by the necessary posts on social media and their own website, including one with construction photos.

More photos here on the growers' Facebook page

Back to January 2021
Olsthoorn Greenhouse Projects is almost finished dismantling the greenhouse. It will be recycled. The heating from the collapsed greenhouse can be reused by the growers in the new greenhouse that Maurice Kassenbouw will build later this year.

In total, the cucumber growers will then grow on the original 18 hectares. To this end, an adjacent 5.5 hectare greenhouse was purchased last winter. A corridor was built to link that greenhouse.

For more information:
Drenthe Growers