The RHI scheme has now closed to new applicants, however it is easy to sit back and relax thinking the job is done. If you’re an NFU Energy account managed customer then that is likely the case, but for those undertaking the day-to-day management of the RHI have a considerable amount to do to stay compliant.
If you are audited and compliance issues are found, you could have your payments withheld, or removed from the scheme completely. NFU Energy can help, they remove the hassle and give you peace of mind with RHI services.
Amended your heating system?
If you have changed any aspect of your system since the original RHI application, it is worth checking if you need to notify Ofgem of these changes. NFU can help you determine what is required and complete the work with you. Find out more here.
Periodic data submissions
Being on the RHI scheme, you will be required to provide metering data monthly or quarterly, and all of the data will be reviewed if you have an RHI audit by Ofgem. RHI management service provides you with a hassle-free service by providing a dedicated point of contact who sense checks and submits metering data to Ofgem. Find out more here.
If non-compliances are found on an RHI audit, it could lead to delays in payments, whilst serious breaches could see you removed from the scheme and any money received being reclaimed. NFU can help reduce this risk by carrying out one of the HealthCheck audits. Find out more here.
Meter calibration
Throughout the RHI scheme, your heat-generating equipment must be maintained as per manufacturers recommendations, which will need to be proved should you be audited. What’s less known is that heat meters must be recalibrated every 10 years and this must also be evidenced. NFU can help supply new meters, carry out meter amendments or advise of help with recalibration. Find out more here.