The problems with various species of thrips have occupied the minds of many cultivations in recent years. Reason for HortiPro to invest in signaling and monitoring techniques using pheromones in the near future and to further develop the techniques.
Growers try to start a new crop as cleanly as possible and with the aid of various, preferably green solutions, they have already come a long way. For example, thrips can be controlled with insect parasitic fungi and nematodes. Strategies with different beneficial insects are also being drawn up. It is important here that the possible solutions are deployed at the right time.
But when is the right time? Good signaling and monitoring is of crucial importance here, according to the HortiPro specialists. With the help of sticky traps, growers and advisers can keep an eye on whether thrips are already present and how a thrips population that may be present is developing in the crop.
To further optimise signaling and monitoring, HortiPro has launched the PheroThrip 2.0 on the market. PheroThrip 2.0 is a non-selective thrips pheromone in an evaporative spike. This evaporation spike can be placed in a hole in a yellow or blue sticky plate (see photo) and will increase the number of thrips caught on these sticky plates considerably. Various trials and demos, which have been carried out in collaboration with distributors and growers, have shown that the number of thrips caught on a sticky trap fitted with a PheroThrip 2.0 evaporation spike can be up to 40% higher.
Including Japanese flower thrips
These tests and demos also showed that the PheroThrip 2.0 pheromone attracts multiple thrips species. For example, Californian, pepper, tobacco, zebra, Echino, as well as Japanese flower thrips (Setosus thrips) were caught. The latter is usually particularly difficult to catch on sticky traps.
With the help of PheroThrip 2.0, Japanese flower thrips, among other things, can therefore be detected earlier. The necessary measures can then be taken against this in good time. In addition, both male and female thrips were caught on the sticky traps. This significantly reduces the reproduction speed.
Extensive experience has now been gained in, among other things: paprika, cucumber, chrysanthemum, gerbera, rose, hydrangea and strawberry.
Keep the cap closed
It is very important not to touch the evaporation spikes with bare hands. So place the spike in the catching plate with a plastic or latex glove or tweezers, the HortiPro specialists advise. The cap on the evaporation spike should remain closed.
The duration of action of the PheroThrip 2.0 is 6 to 8 weeks. They are available per 10 pieces in a resealable packaging and can be stored in the freezer (-18⁰C) for up to 2 years.
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