Founded in 2018, Telaqua is an expert in continuous pressure monitoring through 24/7 connected sensors. Installed on key locations of the irrigation system, these sensors measure both pressure and water flow continuously and in real time.
There are many advantages in monitoring pressure:
- It ensures that valves and pumps open and close as planned, without having to systematically walk around the entire installation. It prevents from potential yield loss and saves precious time.
- It instantly identifies a leak, a clogged filter or any other anomaly in the system. As a result, growers can act more quickly and efficiently.
- It reveals whether irrigation is uniform and helps optimize yield.
As a result, one can expect gains in time, yield, efficiency, and peace of mind. Current customers reported savings up to 30% in time in 2020 thanks to Telaqua’s technology.
In 2021, Telaqua launches the Mano, the 1st connected manometer
The Mano connects key areas of the irrigation systems and increases the number of monitoring points. Simple and efficient, it adapts to any system (drip, sprinkler, pivot, etc) in less than 10 minutes. It is wireless, operates on the LoRaWan low speed network, and is guaranteed for two years. Tested with five customers in 2020, it will be deployed this year in France, Spain, Chile, and Ivory Coast.
Telaqua offers its online platform, IrrigEasy, for free
Available 24/7, from a smartphone or a computer, IrrigEasy is a management support tool open to every grower who irrigates. The platform was designed to be accessible to everyone, even without installing sensors. As long as the grower manually enters their data, IrrigEasy is free, with no time limit or number of users. Each producer can thus create his irrigation schedules very easily, alert his managers, follow irrigation data (like soil moisture deficit or upcoming irrigations) on a map, graph or dashboard.
The premium version offers continuous monitoring with real-time alerts and customizable notifications via sms, push and/or email. Growers only pay a flat rate (5€ per month per device) when data is automatically collected from a connected sensor.
Telaqua makes irrigation management simply efficient
Founded in 2018 in Aix-en-Provence by Sébastien Demech, Nicolas Cavalier and Nicolas Carvallo, Telaqua aims at supporting growers in optimitizing water consumption. A major challenge since 70% of the world’s fresh water is used by agriculture (source : Food & Agriculture Organization and Worldbank). To that end, Telaqua offers to remotely monitor, control, and optimize irrigation, thanks to connected sensors and a simple, intuitive app. Through Machine Learning (automatic data interprétation and learning from artifical intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) expertise, the objective is to make water management increasingly intelligent, even automatic.
In 2021, the goal is to deliver 1000 sensors around the world.
For more information:
Virginie Scoarnec
Tel: +33 7 69 60 88 05