1973 was a historic year for Harnois Industries inc. It was then when Mr. Rolland Harnois, founder of the company, designed the first Gothic Arch-Style, gutter-connected greenhouse complex. Its large surface (45,000 ft2) and its suitability to heavily snow-covered regions in Quebec is a world premiere.
Right: Mr. Rolland Harnois
Built on the site of Jardins Lanaudière inc., this complex would not have seen the light of day without the support of valuable collaborators such as Mr. Mathias Asselin, Site Manager, Mr. Claude Harnois, Heating Expert, Mr. Robert Boucher, along with Mr. Normand Tellier, Culture Manager and Site Operator.
The complex on the site of Jardins Lanaudière inc.
Landlocked within a wooded site in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, the first winter turned out to be a trying test and the team has met with pride this challenge 100% from Quebec!
The success was confirmed quickly by marketing greenhouse tomatoes ripened on plants under the brand Gusta, a product from Quebec.
Right: The Gusta brand
Canadian greenhouses manufacturer, Harnois Industries inc., has been promoting local production for over 50 years. Established in 1965, the company has since completed more than 20,000 international projects.
For more information:
Harnois Industries Inc.
1044 rue Principale,
St-Thomas, Québec, Canada, J0K 3L0
(CA/US): 1-888-427-6647
[email protected]