Saint-Gobain Cultilene introduces a new cube for pepper growing: Dry Comfort. A cube that allows the grower to grow drier and at the same time more comfortable. This guarantees optimal controllability and good root development.
With Dry Comfort, Cultilene is launching a new cube that is extremely suitable for pepper growing. It lends itself to a slightly drier cultivation method. "Several pepper growers have experienced our Pc cube as being too wet. That's why we developed Dry Comfort. It allows growers to grow dry, but also comfortable," says Emiel Bronswijk, Product and Application Specialist for Propagation at Cultilene.
Continuous activity in the cube
The Dry Comfort cube is less wet than the Pc cube. The water retention of the new cube is determined by the fibre thickness of the cube. "When the cube and the plant are on the slab, the Dry Comfort cube always retains enough water for the production of new roots," says Bronswijk. "At the same time, the water content is not too high, and there is enough oxygen in the cube. This improves controllability and creates continuous activity in the cube. This is positive for the growth of new roots and ensures optimal rooting throughout the cube. Rooting from plug to cube and from cube to slab is also extremely smooth. In short: Dry Comfort guarantees a perfect balance between water and oxygen."
Bronswijk emphasises that the fact that the Dry Comfort does not get too wet too quickly, is a particular advantage in the second half of the pepper season. "As the days get shorter and moister, it is a challenge to keep a substrate cube sufficiently dry. With Dry Comfort, this is easier. Another advantage is that the Dry Comfort cube is drier at the top, which reduces the chance of algae and the dreaded sciara flies."
Big step forwards
The advantages mentioned above have also been demonstrated in the field trials carried out with the Dry Comfort cube since November of last year. "With Dry Comfort, growers not only make profits in terms of root development and oxygen content but also achieve a good yield. In short, this cube is a big step forwards for pepper growing."
For more information:
Emiel Bronswijk, Product and Application Specialist for Propagation
+31 (0) 6 82 75 21 69