Any generators installed in the UK before February 2018 with a G59 relay needs to be updated to the new G59 relay rules by September 2022. Those who act quickly may be able to have costs reimbursed through the Accelerated Loss-of-Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP).
The power generation industry has changed and low capacity generators (including renewables) now play a much bigger part in the makeup of the UK’s power supply.
G59 relays were installed to protect both the grid and the generator from faults. However, this means that generators can be cut off, leading to blackouts and loss of revenue, as well as a sudden loss of supply to the grid. These new G59 settings will allow generation to continue through minor faults without disconnecting allowing for a more continuous supply.
Two new windows to the application process have been added, so there is still time to apply.
What do I need to do?
Depending on the type of generation you have, you will either need to change, or disable the loss of mains settings you have, or it may be necessary to install a new relay.
How much will it cost?
Although this is site specific, the ALoMCP is a nationally funded project that is offering grants to help pay for the work. For most sites successful in acquiring funding, generators can have the work completed free of charge.
You will need to apply promptly to take advantage of the grants available as the funding is on a first come first served basis and could be withdrawn at any time, so you need to act quickly.
What if I do not have the work completed?
Generators not compliant may be subject to fines or even disconnection. Once the funding is used up, you will have to pay for the work yourself, so the sooner you apply the better in the longer term.
NFU Energy can help you with these changes so that you are able to apply for the funding.
For more information:NFU Energy
024 7669 6512