Metaflex wrote a white paper on energy loss via refrigeration doors and energy-saving measures. In the food industry, refrigeration and freezer doors are of paramount importance for maintaining product quality. A large amount of energy is required to keep the temperature in your refrigeration or freezer unit constant. There is still much to be gained in the area of energy savings in the food industry. Metaflex concurs that this is a key issue and has explored the role doors can play in limiting unnecessary energy losses in the refrigeration and freezing sector.
The energy requirements of refrigeration units are determined by both the opening and closing of the refrigeration door (dynamic situation) as by energy loss in a closed situation (static situation). In a dynamic situation, when a door is frequently used, the energy requirement and therefore the costs increase rapidly. In a static situation, the quality and condition of the door and seal are very important.
In order to make the effects of the energy loss per door system and refrigeration unit more transparent, Metaflex has used a specially developed tool (which is described in this white paper). Using various parameters, it becomes clear what the performance of your door system means for the energy costs on an annual basis.
Link to article: You can find the whitepaper here.
For more information:
Metaflex Doors Europe BV
Ambachtsstraat 11
NL‑7122 MP Aalten
The Netherlands
+31 88 1414 900