Communication on when and how much to irrigate is critical in the production of high quality, uniform plants. The University of Florida IFAS Extension has developed short and simple videos in English and Spanish (“The 1 to 5 Moisture Scale for Container Substrates” / “La Escala de Humedad de 1 a 5 para Sustratos de Macetas”) on its YouTube channel that define the 1 to 5 moisture scale used to manage irrigation of container plants.
One of the most challenging aspects in irrigation management is to communicate when and how much to water. How do you define how wet is wet, and how dry is dry? Having a standardized moisture scale that is easy to understand and use will benefit the entire greenhouse team.
This video was produced in conjunction with Dr. Ryan Dickson at the University of Arkansas, with Spanish language support from Javier López of Altman Plants. Get your whole growing team involved using moisture levels, and everyone can contribute to the future success of your crop.
The videos are training materials in the Greenhouse Training Online courses for growers in greenhouse management, including Nutrient Management 1 (Introduction) which begins July 6, 2020 ( More videos are set to be released in the coming weeks. For more information about the videos or courses, contact
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