In the second half of October, we were again running around the trade show floors, this time at the PMA Conference in Anaheim, and the Fruit Attraction in Madrid. There were also several anniversaries and expansions, and we zoomed in on some promising markets: India, Uzbekistan and Turkey.
Urban Greenhouse Challenge kicks off
"In China, there is room for increasing knowledge and developing a new generation of entrepreneurs"
This year, the second edition of the Urban Greenhouse Challenge is being organized by Wageningen University & Research (WUR), in which student teams are tasked to design a…
Automation inside and outside Mucci’s cucumber greenhouse When talking about Mucci’s novelties, a lot of attention goes to the strawberries. Not a surprise, since the company has been one of the pioneers in this greenhouse crop.…
Tomato Growers, Belgium:
"Fragmentation is never a good thing"
The tomatoes from the Tomato Masters greenhouse in Belgium go straight to the retail sector. This can be done thanks to the good partnership this grower has with Coöperatie…
photo report
North American growers show themselves in their best light during PMA Conference
This past Friday and Saturday, PMA Fresh Summit was held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. The show, with a strong retail focus, attracted a…
Photo report: Horticulture at Fruit Attraction
This week the Fruit Attraction took place again in Madrid. Although the general focus of the exhibition is on the fresh produce industry, horticultural suppliers find their…
grand opening of newly completed warehouse expansion
Svensson celebrates 30th anniversary in the Americas
Svensson’s American subsidiary celebrated 30 years in operation with the official ribbon cutting ceremony of its newly completed warehouse expansion on Thursday, October 3rd,…
Celebrating twenty years of high-wire cucumbers
Next year, it will be twenty years since BASF Vegetable Seeds started breeding high-wire cucumbers. Together with growers, plant breeders, consultants, and other partners, the…
New expansion for Gotham Greens
So, what do you do when you are done building three greenhouses? You're starting with a fourth, of course. That's what the team with Gotham Greens is doing. While finishing…
US: BrightFarms expands with 280,000 sq.ft. location in North Carolina
BrightFarms will create 54 jobs in Henderson County, North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper announced. The company will invest $21 million to operate a hydroponic greenhouse in…
Srishti Mandaar, Red Otter Farms
"The time is now for a shift to indoor cultivation in India"
Indoor growing is at a very nascent stage in India. While there are significant policy changes being adopted by the government, there is still a severe lack of trained…
Simply Fresh investing $30M for greenhouse project in India Simply Fresh says that with its new investment in India, consumers will be able to enjoy fresh and safe produce that is sustainably grown locally following international…
First glasshouse project for tomato production being realized in Uzbekistan
Is Uzbekistan the new Russia?
Following many projects being realized in Russia and Kazakhstan, high-tech horticulture has also made its entrance into Uzbekistan. William J. Kuijpers with Delflandasia is…
Turkish horticultural industry rediscovers its potential
A couple of years ago the Turkish horticultural industry, seen as a market with great potential, was hit severely by the Russian boycott and the following political crisis.…
Greenhouses in Southern France demolished by extreme weather
This week’s weather around the Mediterranean caused a lot of damage in the south of France; the French government declared a state of natural disaster. In Béziers, 6 gallons…
Heavy storms hit south-east Sicily
"There are no roads and we do not even know how to reach our land. Both the structures and crops have been damaged. The water is not draining, so things are bad," explains…
growers show destiny of plastic residues in Almería, Spain
"Dramatic images result of flood, not bad plastic management" Last week, France 24 broadcasted a reportage concerning the ecological horticulture in Almería, Spain. The final conclusion was that this greenhouse horticulture is far from…
Houweling's keeps UltraClima Semi-Closed Greenhouse patent On October 11th 2019, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the validity of the U.S. patent directed to the UltraClima Semi-Closed Greenhouse.…
CAP fraud
State demands 52 million from Dutch producers organisation
The Dutch state is demanding more than 52 million euro from the Dutch bankrupt producer organization FresQ, according to an update of the bankruptcy report.…