Greens for Good is a campaign to get the freshest local greens into schools and businesses across Liverpool. Spearheaded by social enterprise Farm Urban, who have created the city’s first underground vertical farm in the Baltic Triangle, the campaign aims to reconnect people in cities with local, sustainable, healthy food.
Greens for Good is the leafy offshoot of Farm Urban, which has been growing greens in the heart of Liverpool since 2014 and has created the city’s first vertical farm. With its roots firmly anchored in Farm Urban’s Baltic basement, Greens for Good is a fresh campaign bringing healthy, locally-grown greens to the people of Liverpool, and beyond.
“Greens for Good is the next step in Farm Urban’s mission to get fresh, healthy greens into every classroom in Liverpool and educate children and young people about where their food comes from,” explains Managing Director, Paul Myers. “By delivering boxes of Mighty Greens and education programmes to schools across the city, the Greens for Good campaign is creating a positive change in our relationship with sustainable, healthy food.”
“When you buy a box of greens you’ll support a box of Mighty Greens going to a local school,” Jayne continues. “If you invest in a Produce Pod or Edible Wall you can also go like for like and match the same into a local school, which includes one of our accompanying STEM & Enterprise Future Food programmes.”
“Our produce is 100% pesticide free,” explains Technical Director, Jens Thomas. “It’s grown using 90% less water than if it was grown in a field; it’s zero-waste; and it’s hyper-local.” Everyone is welcome to come and see the vertical farm for themselves, with tours available from 2020.
Over the coming weeks the Farm Urban team will be taking boxes of greens out to businesses around Liverpool to give them a taste of what the Greens for Good campaign is all about, as they prepare to launch a crowdfunder to support the campaign to establish its roots and start to grow.
For more information:Greens for Good