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Good start of the campaign for Almeria's tomatoes

CASI: 75 years and new facilities in Alhama

Coinciding with the start of the campaign, the new CASI facilities have just been launched with the participation of more than a hundred producers in the area. The place chosen has been the municipality of Alhama, in the Spanish province of Almería, an area with a long agricultural tradition.

With these facilities in Alhama, the Almeria-based cooperative continues to grow in the province, thereby getting closer to its producer partners and opening the doors to new incorporations.

Miguel Vargas, president of CASI

The president of CASI, Miguel Vargas, said that "the objective is to attract more producers from Alhameño and other nearby municipalities who have always stood out for the good management of their crops and the quality of their productions."

The head of the Cooperative's Governing Board has explained the benefits of belonging to a family with such an international reputation, with more than 3,000 producers and professionals and 75 years of history. For Vargas, "being a member of CASI is a medium and long-term insurance, as few companies can claim to have such a long history and such wide recognition in all markets." There are advantages that can be appreciated in the daily life of the producer, such as access to aid, the purchase of supplies, greater marketing strength, the possibility of choosing between auctions or direct marketing, total transparency, etc." The president has encouraged those present to trust CASI and to participate in the cooperative.

Francisco López, executive at CASI

A meeting with producers of Alhama has been the scene for the first speech of Francisco López as director of CASI. As someone highly knowledgeable about this production area and with a long experience in the sector, he had words of thanks to offer to all attendees.

"I owe a good part of my professional reputation to you, for the trust and for the good work you have done," said López. Talking about his professional career, he added that "I have always closely followed everything that the cooperative of which I am now part of has been doing, given that it is a leading name in the tomato sector worldwide. Now I will have the opportunity to do my part and make a contribution for the benefit of all its members."

The area chosen for the new facilities is strategic, since it will make it possible to extend the production schedule by closing 12-month cycles and also diversifying.

"The nights, with cooler temperatures, allow us to store summer crops that are difficult to keep in other areas due to the heat and humidity. The weather is ideal for the cultivation of different varieties of red tomatoes, especially the loose, on the vine or the plum," says an agricultural technician. In addition, Alhama is known for its high quality zucchinis, a booming vegetable in the CASI range.

The new facilities are strategically located in the industrial estate of Huéchar and away from the urban center. This makes it easily accessible, which is convenient for the agricultural producers.

The company, a leading European and international name in the sector, is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.

For more information:
David Baños Fernández, marketing director
Ctra. Níjar - La Cañada s/n
04120 Almería. Spain
T: +34950626007
[email protected]