Beko recently unveiled their HarvestFresh technology which will be available across a range of refrigerators. The technology, developed for Beko fridges, uses not one, but three effective colors (green, blue and red), which mimic the 24-hour sun cycle and natural sunlight. This combination will simulate the day light cycle – including times of darkness – to recreate a natural living environment for fruits and vegetables long after they have been harvested and purchased. Studies have shown that this technology has helped preserve vitamin A and vitamin C levels much longer.
This development within the white goods market is just one step towards achieving Beko's mission of empowering the new generations to live healthier and providing accessible wellbeing for all their consumers. Another step they most recently took was the 'Eat Like a Pro' campaign in partnership with FC Barcelona and UNICEF, which set out to help prevent childhood obesity worldwide by inspiring children to make healthier food choices like their football heroes.
By utilizing the power of varying light combinations, fruits and vegetables are exposed to a natural way of preserving the vitamin, encouraging a healthier diet. "At Beko, we believe in creating new products and technologies that meet the wellbeing needs of today's consumer. We know that they do not always find it easy to eat healthily and are committed to doing all we can to make their lives easier and healthier," commented Zeynep Yalim Uzun, Chief Marketing Officer at Beko.
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