In response to news that U.S. and Japan have agreed in principle to a trade deal involving American agricultural products, along with industrial tariffs and digital trade, Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif issued the following statement:
“Western Growers is extremely pleased to learn of the deal in principle between the U.S. and Japan, the third-largest market for American agricultural products. We are encouraged that the agreement will lead to substantial reductions in tariff and non-tariff barriers to access to the Japanese market, which will level the playing field for U.S. farmers, in particular, producers of fruits, vegetables and tree nuts."
“Tariff equity for U.S. fresh produce is one of our most important international trade priorities, with Japanese tariffs on American agricultural products reaching as high as 35% for some commodities. Of equal importance is the need for sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) reforms, as Japan’s current SPS regulatory regime prohibits many high-quality U.S. fruits, vegetables and tree nuts from entering the Japanese market."
“The anticipated reductions in tariffs and SPS barriers will result in true market gains and much needed economic relief for an industry that has already been caught in the crosshairs of trade wars on other fronts.”
Blue Diamond Growers also applauds the trade agreement. The company has heavily invested in Japan for more than 60 years, making the country a key market for U.S. almonds. Removing trade barriers and promoting trade opportunities is vital for the economic success of the cooperative and the California almond industry.
"Blue Diamond established this market for California almonds in the 1950s and our product offerings remain popular with Japanese consumers and food manufacturers," said Mark Jansen, President and CEO for Blue Diamond Growers. "Today's announcement will accelerate our business benefiting our over 3,000 grower-owners and generating positive momentum for global trade of almonds."
For more information:
Cory Lunde
Western Growers
Tel: +1 949-885-2264
Blue Diamond Growers