The fresh produce sector is faced with major logistical challenges. After the harvest, the fruit and vegetable products are supposed to be packed right away. To steer the incoming and outgoing logistics of all these packages in the right direction, slip sheets are increasingly used. These are special, solid cardboard sheets that ensure a faster, more (cost) efficient and environmentally friendly logistical process compared to traditional pallets.
Ten percent more loading volume
“The use of slip sheets results in logistic advantages. Because slip sheets require a minimum amount of space, the loading volume of the lorry increases by as much as ten percent. That results in savings on transport costs. Besides, the solid cardboard sheets are much cheaper: by using slip sheets instead of pallets, you can save up to 80 percent in material costs. Moreover, because ten pallets equal 100 slip sheets, the transport material requires a lot less storage space,” according to Smart Packaging Solutions.
Environmentally friendly transport
“Besides the economical advantage, there’s an ecological advantage as well. Considering the lower transport weight and the higher number of packaging that can be transported per lorry, the CO2 emissions of the transport are considerably reduced. Additionally, the slip sheets are produced using only renewable materials, they’re completely circular and reduce the use of wood,” the packaging company says.
Applications of slip sheets
To apply slip sheets, a push-pull attachment is required, which can easily be attached to a regular fork-lift truck. This system grabs the slip sheets by the projecting edge and lifts the loads onto the forks of the fork-lift truck.
For more information:
Smart Packaging Solutions
Oude Baan 120
9200 Oudegem-Dendermonde, Belgium
+32 (0)52 26 19 25
[email protected]