In about three weeks his whole company will be provided with new lighting. Finnish grower Jan Lindberg of Malax Trädgård is happy now that his old lighting, that has been there for ten years, is replaced with the hybrid grow light installation of Hortilux.
Top and interlighting
In December the top lighting was installed at the full greenhouse of two hectares. This week they installed interlighting in one hectare and the rest of it will be installed in the coming weeks. “Comparing to our old lighting, now we have 30 percent more micromol while using about the same amount of electricity”, says Jan. “We have chosen for Hortilux because they offered a total concept of top and interlight.”
Hortilux: “With 430 μmol from the NXT2 1000W and an additional 50 μmol from the Hortiled Inter, the cucumbers will grow nicely during the dark winter months. Our monitoring system HortiSense will ensure an efficient and effective use of the grow light system for the best results.”
According to Jan, these days almost every cucumber grower in Finland grows with lighting. “Tomatoes and peppers though, are not always growing under artificial light. We also grow 6000 m2 of peppers without using light.”
For more information:
Jan Lindberg
Malax Trädgård
+358 50 0260001
For more information:Hortilux Schréder B.V.
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Vlotlaan 412
2681 TV Monster
The Netherlands
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