Danish fruit and vegetables contain very little residue of crop protection products, according to the annual report of the Danish Food Council and the Danish Technical University (DTU). 79 percent of the 2,000 products that were analyzed did not contain plant protection agents or had traces that were clearly below the legal limit. 326 different crop protection products were included in the study.
The research indicated that Danish fruit and vegetables contain lower amounts of harmful substances than imported products. Traces of crop protection products were found in 48 percent of the Danish fruit studied, while 76 percent of fruit from other EU countries contained such traces. Moreover, none of the Danish fruit exceeded legal limits. Traces of crop protection agents were found in 27 percent of Danish vegetables, almost half as much as vegetables from other EU countries. In organic vegetables and fruit from Denmark, traces were found in only three of the 179 samples. This included Spinosad, which is allowed for organic cultivation.
The full results can be found on the website of the DTU.
Source: danskgartneri.dk