- The research team published an article titled “Comparative Analysis of Arabidopsis Ecotypes Reveals a Role for Brassinosteroids in Root Hydrotropism in Plant Physiology”. (JCR District 1, 2016, impact factor 6.456). Miao Rui was the first author and Xu Weifeng was the corresponding author. FAFU was the unit of both first and corresponding authors;
- The research team published an article titled “The Tomato Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase SIMPK1 is as a Negative Regulator of the High Temperature Stress Response in Plant Physiology”. (JCR District 1, 2016, impact factor 6.456). Ding Haidong was the first author and Xu Weifeng was the corresponding author. FAFU was the unit of corresponding author;
- The team actively carried out their research on the agricultural water-saving application based on the intelligent irrigation while doing the theoretical research.