- Water source – This could be a well, irrigation pond, irrigation ditch, river, etc.
- Pump – Depending on location and volume/pressure requirements, this can vary.
- Backflow Prevention – This prevents any foreign material, fertilizer or contaminants from flowing back into the water source.
- Pressure Regulator – Depending on the type of emitters, the pressure that this device regulates to can vary widely. This not only reduces the pressure, but can work to keep pressure consistent.
- Filter – There are varying types of filters, but all serve to remove particulates from the water that could plug emitters.
- Injector – These are used to apply water-soluble fertilizers through the irrigation kit.
- Adapters – These vary, but are used to connect various different types of equipment and irrigation lines.
- Distribution Lines/Main Lines – These move water from the water source to the location of application.
- Submain lines/Headers – These water lines enter the field and distribute water to the emitters.
- Emitters – Drip tape or overhead sprinklers apply the water to the crop.