Netherlands: Best of Four and Van Nature sign letter of intent to work together
Developments in the sector
The horticulture sector has been talking for months about the bad situation it has found itself in. It was during these discussions that Best of Four and Van Nature starting working closer together. After examination and various discussions, both growers associations announced their intention to work together. The main purpose is to contribute to a market model where 3 to 4 large groups of producers remain within the Dutch horticulture sector so that those who remain can sell their products in short, efficient and closed chains. However, it must first be tested
"The initiative to work together is an important step in the restructuring of sales and is being positively received by many," explains the group. However, it must first be examined by the Consumer and Market Authority.
Making each other stronger
'This development is great for the Best of Four and Van Nature members', according to Jan Oosterom, chairman of Best of Four. 'Together we are in the position to have strong commercial leadership where both the market and the grower are central.' Aad Sonneveld, chairman of Van Nature adds: 'We reinforce each other when it comes to greenhouse vegetables and the range of field vegetables and top fruit from Best of Four is a nice addition to the Van Nature package. With our knowledge of the market and marketing, we will be able to have more control over our product.'
Best of Four and Van Nature, with this cooperation, ensure that member's products are sent to the end customer via a closed chain. Sales within the Netherlands which go from trader to trader adds extra costs which do not contribute to the growers' margins. The chain cooperation from Best of Four and Van Nature strive to ensure that growers can achieve maximum return.