Fred C. Gloeckner had a keen interest and firm resolve to facilitate innovation and improve practices in floriculture. It was this vision that inspired him to start The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation, Inc. 55 years ago. Since the foundation’s inception, over 66 institutions have been awarded grants for this purpose.
The following grants were recently awarded:
$14,000.00 - Kansas State University – To study the effect of the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, and the rove beetle, Dalotia coriaria, in suppressing populations of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis.
$12,264.00 - North Carolina State University – For expanding leaf tissue nutritional standards in bedding plants.
$12,000.00 - University of Florida – To illuminate Lilium floral fragrance.
$11,841.85 – Stephen F. Austin State University – For their herbaceous perennial species trial garden.
$10,000.00 - Iowa State University – For controlling growth of containerized herb bedding plants using cultural practices.
$10,000.00 - North Carolina State University – To study the effects of cultivar, soil moisture, and fungicide applications on the infection dynamics of Pythium aphanidermatum and the development of Pythium root rot in poinsettia.
$10,000.00 - University of Georgia – To increase the efficiency of LED lighting through biofeedback and real-time control.
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$9,000.00 - Purdue University – For e-GRO Instructional Videos.
$8,170.00 - North Carolina State University – To create interactive insect lifecycle photographs and guide.
$7,000.00 - Kansas State University – For understanding and abating intumescence development in Cuphea spp.
$5,000.00 – United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – For modeling of neuropeptides for nematode resistance in lilies.
$5,000.00 - University of Washington – For the induction of double flowers by transposon mutagenesis in Thalictrum.
New York Florists’ Club Grants
The New York Florists’ Club, founded in 1887 served the interests of floriculture for 106 years. Mr. Gloeckner, a life member of the Club had very similar goals in respect to facilitating research and education in floriculture.
On March 8, 1993 the members of the New York Florists’ Club voted to suspend operations of the club and transfer their remaining monies to the Gloeckner Foundation. The “New York Florists’ Club Grants” were established as a continuing tribute to the many industry people who gave so generously of their time and resources to improve and enhance the future of the industry. The following New York Florists’ Club Grants were designated as such for the 2015-2016 Research Year.
$15,500.00 – Pennsylvania State University – To study the use of ethyl pyruvate for soil disinfestation: A novel approach for controlling soilborne plant pathogens of ornamental crops.
$12,000.00 – Purdue University – For optimizing herbaceous perennial cutting callusing and rooting with DLI, nutrition, rooting hormones and medium temperatures.
$8,000.00 – The Ohio State University – To evaluate the use of beneficial microorganisms to suppress root rot pathogens and increase drought tolerance in bedding plant plugs.
For more information on The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation, or to learn how you can submit an application for a Foundation grant, please visit the website at, or contact Theresa Hutter at
914-698-2300914-698-2300 x112 or via email: