Higher quality chrysanthemum cuttings needed in Asia
"The market for cut chrysanthemums is large and quite stable", said Focco. "However, many Asian countries lack the knowledge about the propagation of the chrysanthemum. Therefore many viruses occur, which force them to use lots of chemicals. However, over the last years, countries like Japan and Korea have become more environmentally conscious and obligate the growers to use less chemicals. Therefore, the demand for higher quality cuttings is increased."
This is the reason why the Dutch breeder Fides entered the Asian market in 2004. They are able offer growers the possibility to produce a higher quality chrysanthemum that requires less chemicals. "The cuttings that we supply are ‘clean’", said Focco. "Less viruses will occur during the cultivation. Consequently, less chemicals are necessary. Besides that, we offer them the newest varieties and support them during the entire cultivation process. All in all, this will contribute to bringing the industry to the next level with better quality products for the end user, but also increases the sustainability of the sector."
About Fides
Fides is worldwide active in the breeding and propagation of cut chrysanthemums, pot chrysanthemums as Mystic Mums®, Kalanchoe and Calandiva®. Fides is part of the DNA Green Group, a floricultural breeding group of companies that includes brands like Red Fox, Fides, Barberet & Blanc, Ecke, Bartels Stek and Lex+.
For more information
Fides B.V.
Focco Prins
Email: [email protected]