Large LED trial in cut roses at Van der Arend Roses
Using only LED lighting, plants lack the heat of the SON-T, and savings on electricity are lost in part on additional heat. Therefore 'hybrid' combinations (partly SON-T, partly LED) can be a solution.
The figure shows the spectral distribution of the light under SON-T (yellow), and under the G1 lamp (red).
Valoya has developed a LED lamp (type G1) to complement the light spectrum from SON-T lamps, specifically for use in a 'hybride' formation of SON-T and LED, both as a top lighting. The assumption is that this "mixed light" brings more balance to plants, and also that the light (the combination with daylight) is better utilized for growth.
The trial builds on two small-scale field trials of last winter. These tests showed that the plants under the hybrid spectrum yielded up to 5.3% more production (in kg) at a 30% reduction of PAR light. This offers opportunities for energy savings.
The trial involves monitoring three boxes of 90 m2 throughout the winter: a box with just SON-T light (200 mmol / m2s), a box with 100 mmol / m2 s SON-T and 100 mmol / m 2 s LED, and a box with 100 mmol / m2s SON-T and 50 mmol / m 2 s LED.
KG Systems sponsors the installation, the program Greenhouse as Energy Source finances the technical guidance and measurements. These are carried out by Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture and Plant Dynamics.
Source: WageningenUR
For more information on Valoya LEDs:
Lars Aikala
+358 40 546 6639