“Agropark consists of two stages, the first stage is already built and plans on the development of the lots are already made for the second stage which has a size of 500 hectares” says Alberto Amkie.
The first 200 hectare Agropark stage dates from 2003 and houses 120 hectares with greenhouse operations. The remaining 80 hectares is also sold, but not yet built on. Additionally, 100 hectares is used for circulation areas, green areas and warehouses.

Amkie said that he is planning to launch the second stage next year. This new Agropark will be located on the opposite site of the freeway. "The prospects are looking good. Some companies are already interested in expanding their business on this plant. Moreover, one company showed interest in buying 100 hectares."
For more information
Agropark Mexico
Alberto Amkie
Email: alberto@agropark.com.mx