Growers asked A.M.A. to supply them with growing supplies for this type of cultivation. "Our customers are looking for different crops to distinguish themselves on the market. Strawberries are one of the crops that they are experimenting with, as they experienced a demand for hydroponic greenhouse strawberries. The new industry is now growing steadily, despite the fact that it will have to compete with mass amounts of open field production. We have adapted to the trend by supplying them with the most recent innovations."

Specialty mixes by B.V.B.
A.M.A. is now the official reseller for BVB Substrates is North America. They can supply growers with specialty substrate mixes from BVB for their specific crops. "BVB's specialty mixes for strawberry growers are increasingly popular amongst our customers. We started with trials and shipping a few pallets of strawberry grow bags. Nowadays, we have strawberry grow bags in stock and we are selling it across North America, by the pallet or direct container load". A.M.A. has also been supplying an anthurium grower and a hydrangea grower with special mixes according to their requirements. Many growers were aware of the advantages of BVB's special peat and coir mixes, but they didn't know where to get it", Bradt said. "They can now rely on us to supply them according to their needs."
Complete greenhouse supplies
Starting as a one-man operation over thirty years ago, A.M.A. Plastics Ltd. has been offering products for different sectors of the horticultural industry since 1982. After several years of growth, they now boast a large product line that includes many hydroponic supplies such as Bato clips & j-hooks, The TOM Tomato Clip System, Bato & Beekenkamp plant containers and crates, Ellepots, BVB Sublime substrate, stonewool, Lankhorst crop twines, pre-wound hooks and more. The core-business of A.M.A Plastics is still the container business for ornamental crops and plug trays for propagation. "Our container business is going very well, especially for the specialty, niche-products like customized pots and trays."
Looking back on last season, Bradt experienced a good market. Despite the fact that growers spend their money carefully, A.M.A's business is still increasing, which means that they are doing a good job for the growers with sharp pricing and good service. "As in the last several years, growers are cautious with their expenses, nonetheless there still is a lot of construction taking place in North America, and the demand for supplies is increasing.” Also the interest in new specialty crops contributes to this as Bradt observes good growth opportunities. "We believe there will be good and steady growth in specialty crops, and it is likely that some of these will really take off."

The team of A.M.A. Plastics at the Canadian Greenhouse Conference '14.
A.M.A. has very convenient website that offers you to browse their entire catalog an enables you to request a quote directly. Go to www.amaplas.com

A.M.A. Plastics
Rick & Connie Bradt
T 519-322-1397
F 519-322-1358