Aqua Hort used in tulips
Tulips bulbs were placed in professional trays for growing tulips. In each tray 100 bulbs was placed fixed on the spikes. Bulbs were placed at 5 C in a cold room for 2 and a half weeks and then moved to a greenhouse at 16-19 C for another 2 and a half weeks. In the cold room water was changed every three days by removing all the water and add new. In the greenhouse water was simply added when the water level was low.
Analyses of water samples showed that the level of Phythium was lover in the treatment with 0.4 Cu compared to the control (see table 1). When looking atphytophthora and fusarium a Cu concentra-tion of 0.4 inactivated the fungi.
For more information:
Agrotech A/S
T: +45 8743 8400
F: +45 3644 0533
Email: [email protected]
Aqua Hort
Aksel de Lasson
Tell: +45 702 26 611 |
Email: [email protected]