US: Agrown adds key science team member
In making the announcement, AGROWN’s CEO, Dr. Susan Raftery noted, "John's extensive experience in complex system engineering will support our corporate efforts to provide new developments for the controlled environment agriculture industry (CEA). His experience as an adjunct MBA professor teaching "Management Science & Decision Models" will provide additional value in supporting AGROWN's educational initiatives. John will also provide scientific insight into our CEA curriculum development."
Juhasz is an INCOSE-CSEP (International Council on Systems Engineering- Certified Systems Engineering Professional) He has served as general chair of several regional conferences focused on systems methods and energy applications. He is also a founder of the INCOSE Power & Energy Systems Working Group, and serves as its co-chair.
Juhasz has worked on several aerospace systems programs including NASA’s International Space Station and the Constellation System space exploration program. He led a group of engineers on efforts to establish a systems model for the Space Station Electric Power System.
Juhasz also has deep experience in automotive systems development. He currently holds 10 patents dealing with innovation on adaptive braking systems and vehicle information systems.
Raftery also noted "John's experience can help AGROWN build improved systems to meet the new hurdles of global climate change, reduction of energy consumption and water resources, increasing populations and re-regionalize food production for food security".
For more information:
Sue Raftery, Ph.D.
+1 419-677-9109