- The opportunity to observe, investigate and spend time in a working commercial greenhouse. The greenhouse structure and hydroponic growers systems will be consistent across locations. These greenhouses are individually owned and operated, so individual management methods may be present in the grower greenhouses. While you will be able to observe and investigate hydroponic systems in production operations, as these are working greenhouses.
- The presence of a current commercial hydroponic grower can provide you with more personal knowledge of beginning and operating a hydroponic vegetable greenhouse.
- Varied locations around the US enable you to select the geographic region that is most appropriate. CropKing schedules the workshops to be held during times of the year when typical commercial hydroponic production is occurring. The geography of each location, though, will likely influence the crop age and some of the management methods that you will observe. So it can be helpful if you are able to select a grower-site workshop in a similar climate and with a similar planting schedule that would be used in your area.
Choose from the following dates and locations:
• Sept. 19-20 Oregon
• Oct. 2-3 Ohio
• Oct. 10-11 Pennsylvania
• Nov. 7-8 South Carolina
• Dec. 3-5 Ohio
For more information:
CropKing, Inc.
T: +1 330-302-4203
[email protected]