US (PA): 2014 Poinsettia Trials to feature more than 130 varieties
The trial will feature more than 130 varieties of poinsettia cultivars to be perused by attendees during the daylong event. These cultivars include new introductions, as well as returning favourites that continue to catch the eyes of consumers during the Christmas buying season.
Speakers this year will include Dave Vollmer, product and technical manager for Selecta North America and Dr. Jim Faust, associate professor at Clemson University whose research interests include greenhouse crop physiology and light regulation of plant growth. Other speakers will be announced as they are confirmed and will be posted on the official website for the trial.
For those who wish to attend, registration forms are available on the website and a limited number of sponsorship slots and vendor display tables are still open. For more information, email or visit the poinsettia trial website and Facebook page.
Source: Dan Schantz Farm and Greenhouses