Increased turnover the result of better average prices
In 2013, a total of 12.4 billion products were traded via the largest international trading platform for flowers and plants. Thanks to better average prices, FloraHolland realized a growth in turnover. Although there are differences per product group, in 2013, growers on average have received a more than 2% higher price for their flowers and plants compared to last year.The volumes of cut flowers and house plants that were traded via FloraHolland showed growth in 2013. With garden plants, a decline was noted due largely to the persistent winter weather during the spring months. The largest product group (cut flowers) increased in turnover by 2% to €2.5 billion. The average price went up while volumes dropped slightly by 0.9%. For the product group house plants, both price and volume increased. The turnover amounts to €1.5 billion (+1.9%) with a 1.1% increase in units. The last product group (garden plants) showed a drop in turnover of 2.2% due to a drop in volume of 3.2%. The average price was slightly higher.