Scandinavia: Nunhems introduces new crispy hydroponic ice lettuce
Finstar is a very stable and reliable leafy ice lettuce for year round hydroponic production. The variety grows fast in cool conditions reducing the production cycle. Its upright growth makes packing of the lettuce easier. Finstar is suitable for the fresh market, both in flow pack and in a pot. The uniform leaves are very crunchy and have a fresh, brilliant green colour. Its healthy base minimizes waste at harvest. The variety is very strong against bolting and tip burn. Finstar is also suitable for open field cultivation.
Peter Does presents special package of Finstar to Jorma Järvinen of Famifarm
Finstar is the result of dedicated breeding and three years of screening and trailing in cooperation with local growers and Helle Oy, Nunhems’s distributor for Finland. “This direct feedback from the market and the close relations with our customers allows us to understand and meet the market needs, giving growers the best from both end,” says Matthew Beevers, Crops Sales Manager Lettuce.
Finnish lettuce grower Mika Yli-Nikula has been one of the first to start working with Finstar. He has been producing Finstar for over a year now and supplied product for the introduction campaign. “The shape of the plant is perfect and there is no risk of tip burn. This gives me flexibility at harvest as I can easily wait one or two days without running into problems,” says Mika Yli-Nikula.Peter Does presents special package of Finstar to Jorma Järvinen of Famifarm.
“On top of that, Finstar is two days faster than the current standard variety in winter,” adds Juha Oksanen, a local grower who has been closely involved in the screening phase of Finstar.
Peter Does of Nunhems visited over 20 hydroponic lettuce growers in Scandinavia. “The special gift package with Finstar was well received by the growers and led to in depth discussions about the variety benefits, growing conditions and marketing concepts,” says Peter Does. “As a result we almost sold out the total stock until the next seed production arrives”.
For more information:
Peter Does
Mobile: +31 615 052 023