José María believes, on the one hand, that the generational change with the incorporation of young people has brought new entrepreneurs with a much more progressive mentality who think of the market in global terms, with an understanding that they are not competing with the neighbour, but with others overseas.
"For this reason, despite the recession, we have noticed a growing interest in innovation. With our experience in the sector, we know which firms devote more of their resources to R&D&I, and it is with those companies that we collaborate and in which we observe a high success rate. Innovating is not expensive; it is an investment which must be done carefully, and that is where we provide our assessment."
"Comparing the Spanish horticultural market with other European markets, we would evidently say that it is rather conservative and that there are many aspects which still need to be addressed. Remaining faithful to traditional strategies is a mistake. The range of technological product providers is very wide; ignoring them would entail wasting a great potential that is easily within reach."
The latest product successfully developed by InnoFood was Black Allium (Black Garlic), thanks to an agreement with the company JR, from Las Pedroñeras. "This product entered the market in May this year and is being well received."
José María Fernández Ginés
T: +34 958 750 607
[email protected]