GreenQ and DLV Plant strategically join forces
The cooperation will be shaped by DLV Plant’s acquisition of a substantial amount of GreenQ shares, to become the significant GreenQ shareholder. For the time being both companies will operate under their current names and continue to complete integration. The goals herewith are: intensification of research, knowledge development, education and consulting services.
Together with the start of the cooperation, the founder of GreenQ and co-inventor of tomatoes cultivation lightning system Mr. Peter Klapwijk chooses to resign the GreenQ Board of Directors and to fully engage his expertise in consulting.
GreenQ’s site in Bleiswijk will serve as the center of international greenhouse horticulture activities, together with Wageningen UR’s site for greenhouse horticulture forming the center of cultivation research, knowledge development and greenhouse horticulture consultancy. DLV Plant’s greenhouse horticulture research activities will be concentrated at GreenQ.
GreenQ’s educational activities at Horti Experience Centre and both companies’ education- and training activities – including those acquired from ‘PTC+ Glastuinbouw’ establish the pivot for practice-based learning for education and business.