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European Council extends trade liberalization for Moldova

The European Council has extended the suspension of import duties and quotas on Moldovan exports to the EU for an additional year, enabling Moldovan producers to export table grapes, tomatoes, garlic, apples, cherries, plums, and grape juice without facing duties and quantitative restrictions.

Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba highlighted the significance of this decision for Moldovan entrepreneurs, emphasizing the competitive edge and market expansion opportunities it offers, especially in light of embargoes from other regions. He acknowledged the EU's ongoing support for Moldova.

Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization data indicates a notable increase in Moldovan exports to the EU, with significant growth in the exports of grapes, apples, plums, and cherries from 2021 to 2023. The exceedance of stipulated quotas for several products underscores the growing demand and appreciation for Moldovan goods in the EU market. The temporary trade liberalization has not only facilitated economic benefits but also supported Moldovan farmers, leading to substantial savings and a marked increase in business value in 2023.

The autonomous trade measures favoring Moldova will be effective from July 25, 2024, to July 24, 2025, as part of the EU's continued support for the country's economic development.


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