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Spain: Juan Alférez plants 1.5 ha with Syngenta's sweet seedless pepper

After many years of hard work, with some good and some not so good campaigns; after much fighting against escalating production costs and intense competition from third countries, Juan Alférez puts his trust in an innovative project, not exempt of risks, to make sure his crops remain profitable.

This grower from El Ejido, Spain, whose agricultural heritage goes back two generations, owns two greenhouses taking a total of three and a half hectares built 16 years ago. In the current campaign, Alférez has decided to put his trust in an innovative product developed by Syngenta, one of the leading agribusiness firms, by growing 'Angello', a sweet and seedless mini pepper awarded last year with a Fruit Logistica Innovation Awards, which Berlin's Fair presents every year.

Juan Alférez planted 1.5 hectares with this pepper in one of his greenhouses. Among its characteristics, we can highlight its sweetness, about 25% higher than in normal peppers, as well as its size, which makes it a perfect snack in countries with long gastronomic traditions of using vegetables as appetisers.

This is the case in Central and Northern European markets. "The great majority of these peppers will be shipped to England," explains Alférez. With this product, Syngenta is mainly targeting the Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States.

Source: Elalmeria
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