Automation - Mexican labour might be cheap, but if you can’t get anyone to work for you things become challenging. Therefore automation like packing machinery, sorting equipment and logistical systems are winning terrain at rapid pace.

Supplemental lighting - Oh yes. U.S. and Canadian greenhouse growers are shifting their cropping schedules every year with a few days or weeks, and the Mexicans want to extend their seasons too. We spotted this multilayer Heliospectra LED germination system that is developed to speed up NatureSweet’s propagation program. Other large greenhouse growers also confirmed to be investigating the use of supplemental lighting.

Berries - No longer to be considered a trend, but soon perhaps to be called as the fourth biggest protected crop after tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. We saw interesting developments in regards to production system designs, varieties and marketing.

Future Farming -Precision ag is a reality. Sometimes a virtual one, but it will not take much time until drones and AGVs become a standard in Mexican row crops, undoubtedly paving the way for an introduction to the greenhouse industry.