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Sakata's new orange cherry TOV shows strong performance
Dutch tomato grower Paul van Koppen of Nursery ’t Woudt in Schipluiden has always been looking for special tomato varieties. In 1998 he started as one of the first Dutch growers with cherry TOVs. And also this year he has succeeded again. The tests with the small orange cherry TOVs of Sakata are well to his liking. In the meantime this year he is growing 4,000 m2 of the Orange Star and Royal Star breeds.
Paul van Koppen: "The Royal Star tomatoes are a little shorter connected to the vine. Because of that plant model, Royal Star is slightly easier to grow. It grows steadier in a good leaf-to-fruit ratio. In regards to taste and production there is little difference between the two."
Production is still difficult to estimate. "Last year, I only had a test of 25 plants. I more or less expect to arrive at about 25 kg per square meter this year."
Paul notices that Royal Star stands out on brix values. "It builds up after the summer. At the moment, the brix value is already around 9.5", he says. "My choice for the Sakata breeds was not that difficult. They are the only ones who offer this variety: a round, small, TOV cherry. I'm very pleased with it."
Pieter Vermeulen of Sakata Benelux said that this is just the first year that Royal Star is used commercially. He sees in the trials that Royal Star even in dark periods, performs very strongly. Pieter: "Furthermore, the breed is very strong against tearing (cracks)."
At Kwekerij 't Woudt, these orange cherry TOVs are packed in boxes of three kilos and as a trio in a box (yellow, orange, red).