Dramatic season for Spanish grower due to warmer weather
Due to the sustaining warm temperatures at the end of 2015, the early plantings of the Long English cucumbers in the Spanish greenhouses suffered from heat stress, causing extremely bad fruit settings for many growers. As a result of this, many crops came later in production, but directly in conflict with the production of the middle-early cucumber plantings.
It caused a cucumber flush on the market, with prices to sink to not more than 26 euro cents per Kilo. It's expected that the market will not recover anymore; the Spanish cukes will disappear early from the market, as their crops have suffered too much from the high temperatures. It's most likely that the Dutch and British growers can benefit from this.
Also for the Spanish tomato and zucchini growers it's a strange season. Not only the higher temperatures are causing a stir; many zucchini growers have severe problems with the New Delhi virus. If that is not enough trouble; the Moroccan growers learned about the high prices that Spanish growers made last year with zucchinis and they have planted more zucchini crops than ever. This also puts more pressure on the market.
The Spanish growers that have yellow bell peppers are experiencing better times. Due to the warm weather the early and middle yellow bell pepper crops produced less and were sooner at the end of production, causing a shortage of yellow bell peppers, with skyrocketing prices as result. The volumes will not recover anymore this season.